1. Bachelor degree Education every side
2. 1 year of Experience in the field of the corresponding
3. Has discipline and good communication skills
4. Strong dedication and high work motivation
5. Preferred drive and head SIM
Responsibility and details of duties:
1. Responsible for the communication flow lancarnya of Area representative or user to the members of the Security Guard and patrol activities
2. Ensure the construction was carried out according the target
3. Is responsible for the collection of time sheet
4. Make a visit to the site to coordinate with the user
5. Do coaching to members of the security guard that includes coaching and conseling and physical coaching
6. Assist Area to plan the work system Representativ member security guard
Career HO
1. Bachelor degree Education every side
2. 1 year of Experience in the field of the corresponding
3. Has discipline and good communication skills
4. Strong dedication and high work motivation
5. Preferred drive and head SIM
Responsibility and details of duties:
1. Responsible for the communication flow lancarnya of Area representative or user to the members of the Security Guard and patrol activities
2. Ensure the construction was carried out according the target
3. Is responsible for the collection of time sheet
4. Make a visit to the site to coordinate with the user
5. Do coaching to members of the security guard that includes coaching and conseling and physical coaching
6. Assist Area to plan the work system Representativ member security guard
1. Bachelor degree Education every side
2. 1 year of Experience in the field of the corresponding
3. Has discipline and good communication skills
4. Strong dedication and high work motivation
5. Preferred drive and head SIM
Responsibility and details of duties:
1. Responsible for the communication flow lancarnya of Area representative or user to the members of the Security Guard and patrol activities
2. Ensure the construction was carried out according the target
3. Is responsible for the collection of time sheet
4. Make a visit to the site to coordinate with the user
5. Do coaching to members of the security guard that includes coaching and conseling and physical coaching
6. Assist Area to plan the work system Representativ member security guard
1. Bachelor degree Education every side
2. 1 year of Experience in the field of the corresponding
3. Has discipline and good communication skills
4. Strong dedication and high work motivation
5. Preferred drive and head SIM
Responsibility and details of duties:
1. Responsible for the communication flow lancarnya of Area representative or user to the members of the Security Guard and patrol activities
2. Ensure the construction was carried out according the target
3. Is responsible for the collection of time sheet
4. Make a visit to the site to coordinate with the user
5. Do coaching to members of the security guard that includes coaching and conseling and physical coaching
6. Assist Area to plan the work system Representativ member security guard
1. Bachelor degree Education every side
2. 1 year of Experience in the field of the corresponding
3. Has discipline and good communication skills
4. Strong dedication and high work motivation
5. Preferred drive and head SIM
Responsibility and details of duties:
1. Responsible for the communication flow lancarnya of Area representative or user to the members of the Security Guard and patrol activities
2. Ensure the construction was carried out according the target
3. Is responsible for the collection of time sheet
4. Make a visit to the site to coordinate with the user
5. Do coaching to members of the security guard that includes coaching and conseling and physical coaching
6. Assist Area to plan the work system Representativ member security guard
Kualifikasi :
1. Pendidikan min D3 Ekonomi/Manajemen
2. Pengalaman min 1 th dibidang yang sesuai
3. Menguasai Ms. Office
4. Memahami dunia security
5. Memiliki interpersonal skill & leadership yang baik
6. Mampu bekerja sesuai deadline
Tugas dan Tanggungjawab :
1. Melaporkan setiap perkembangan/laporan secara periodik ke atasan
2. Melakukan koordinasi serta penyelesaian keadministrasian yang ada di cabang
3. Melakukan mutasi data pada sistem terkait dengan pergerakan anggota di lapangan
Kualifikasi :
1. Pendidikan min D3 Segala Jurusan
2. Pengalaman min 1 tahun
3. Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang Management Resiko Pengamanan
4. Mampu berbahasa inggris (aktif & pasif, wicara dan tulisan)
5. Mampu komunikasi & analisis yang baik
6. Mampu menjalin relasi dengan pihak eksternal
7. Mampu memimpin & menulis laporan yang baik
Tugas dan Tanggungjawab :
1. Melaporakan setiap perkembangan situasi keamanan secara periodical (daily, weekly, monthly), situasional, special case report
2. Melakukan prediksi situasi keamanan bagi korporasi
3. Melakukan analiis resiko atas situasi terhadap dampak bisnis perusahaan
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